Being a computer addict, there are times I sleep right infront of computer and some times I miss setting up my alarm. I always thought, if there is any thing like Siri but free options, where I just shout out and set alarm clock. Lets not dream for Siri kinda stuff online, but we have many Websites which can fulfill our requisite. Gladly, internet is full of useful services and I managed to find few online alarm clock websites. Here I’m going to share a big list of them and depending upon your mood you can pick any.
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Why you need Online Alarm clock?
This question should better be who should keep such sites handy with them. People like me and you, who works till late night and have the habit of sleeping on the table or you are so drained out, that you can’t even set your desk-alarm.  More over, you have an early meeting and you don’t want to miss out that too. Most of the time, when I crash like this, my laptop stays on. To be on the safe side, I connect my speakers and put them in loud enough to wake me up and use any of these online sites to set  alarm time.
Well, I’m sure some day one of these sites will be life saver for you.
Wake yourself with these Online Free Alarm clock Sites:
First in the list of Kukukok which has a very nice interface with digital clock.  You have couple of sound options for your alarm starting from: Cockerel, Classic clock, Electronic, Slayer guitar& Military trumpet (Perfect for deep sleeper).  Usually time is used from your system time, so you won’t face any issue with time syncing. Link : KukuKlok
OnlineClock is another site for sleepy comp users like you and me. Basic site with no configuration feature or options apart from setting up alarm time. One interesting feature is, you need to clock on Alarm off to shut the alarm, as hitting the back button won’t shut the alarm. This site, also offers different type of alaram like Mood alarm, Video clock, Countdown timer and many more. You can check out all of them on official OnlineClock site.

I know this name sounds funny but this site got a really interesting interface with 4 Alarm sound options. When you go to NakedAlarmclock, make sure to check out pre-nap tips on sidebar. This will ensure that you will not miss your meeting. If you are one of those who forget things in the morning, this site also let you add a note. More over, setting alarm is easy as you can see current time and you can set time to wake you up. After Kukukok, this is my second choice. Another feature which I really found interesting in this site is, if you working online for long hour and need to set up a reminder for 15,30,60 minz slot, you can do that using Naked Alarm clock. Interesting, is int it?
I will keep updating this article, as I find more such online Alarm clock sites, meanwhile don’t forget to share this article on Facebook for your sleepy friends.