

Facebook Abbreviations & Meaning: Become Cool Social Media Kid

Facebook AbbreviationsI’m an avid user of Facebook and Facebook chat is one of the most commonly chat program for me. Like any other online chat, abbreviations are very useful to save your time on typing and say things in shortcuts. People who just joined Facebook or started using Internet might find these words like alien word, but once you start using them in day-to-day chatting, it will be easier to remember and understand.

Here I’m compiling a list of most commonly used Facebook Abbreviations that you can use. Not only for chat, but when you comment on anyone Facebook status, you can use these short codes to talk smartly.

And if you are coming from 90’s and still using chat abbreviations like “ASL” It’s time to upgrade to the list which people are commonly using on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Specially, Twitter 140 character limit helped a lot to bring more new chat abbreviations. Anyhow, lets look into some of these chat lingo which you can use while chatting with someone on Facebook or any other chat.

List of Facebook Abbreviations & Meanings:

Some of these chat abbreviations are very common and most used one and many of them are new one, which probably you might have never used or aware of. If you need to find meaning of any other chat abbreviation, feel free to ask via comment or on our Facebook page.

Chat abbreviations

  1. Fb : Facebook
  2. SOS: Someone on Shoulder
  3. POS: Parents Over shoulder
  4. ASAP: As soon as possible
  5. 1NAM : One in a million
  6. AFAIK : As far as I know
  7. B4N : Bye for now.
  8. 143: I love you
  9. 1432: I love you too
  10. 2moro: Tomorrow
  11. 2N8 : Tonight
  12. 404 : No clue
  13. 4Eva: Forever
  14. BRB : Be right back
  15. LOL: Laugh out loud
  16. LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
  17. SD : Sweet dreams
  18. Gn : Good night
  19. WTH : What the hell
  20. LMK : Let me know
  21. TTYL : Talk to you later
  22. N : And
  23. BFF : Best female Friend/ Best Friends forever
  24. kk : ok
  25. Kl : Cool
  26. BMT : Before my time
  27. w8 : Wait
  28. OMG: OH my god!
  29. ASAIC: As soon as I can
  30. Ty/Tu: Thank you
  31. JFY: Just for you
  32. BBT : Be Back tomorrow
  33. BF: Boy Friend
  34. GF: Girlfriend
  35. BOT: Back on Topic
  36. HAND: Have a nice day!
  37. HF: Have Fun
  38. PM: Private Message
  39. BTW: By the way
  40. B/w:Between
  41. Zzz: Sleeping
  42. PMSL: Pissing myself laughing.
  43. WU? : What’s up?
  44. TIA: Thanks in advance
  45. Abt. : About
  46. YSIC: Why should I care
  47. Y : Why or Yes
  48. Wru: Where are you?
  49. WOA: Work of Art
  50. TM : Trust me
  51. ROFL: Rolling on Floor laughing
  52. TGIF : Thank god it’s Friday.
  53. BAU : Business As usual.

Also for your information, if you see someone writing anything with “#” before word. For example”: #Google  , It’s call hashtag and it’s adopted from Twitter. Though, it will be more cool if you won’t use # on Facebook, and use it only on Twitter, Pinterest and Google+. If you like this post, here are some more meaningful post for online chatters:

Even if you are not a big fan of learning Facebook lingo, knowing all these abbreviations will help you to enhance your knowledge and especially if someone uses any of these Facebook abbreviations, you will not be searching Google to find the meaning of these FB lingo.

If you find this list useful and if it helped you, don’t forget to share it on Facebook and Google+.

Article by Harsh Agrawal

Harsh has written 159 articles.

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  • Arjun April 3, 2012, 6:05 pm

    LOL! I really liked that 404 acronym! 😀

    Kinda geeky. And yes, thanks a lot for this awesome list!

  • ashish kumar April 6, 2012, 7:37 pm

    there is another one which is

    406 – Wait for a second

    hope u like it

  • Linda Wilson October 8, 2016, 7:25 pm

    I have another one…

    TBD=To Be determined