

CCProxy Software : Share Internet on LAN For Free

When I was in college, we used to have squid proxy server. Number of concurrent connection were limited and so is the bandwidth usage.  More over strict internet policy was big pain. There are times we used to find loopholes in the network to access internet without any limitation, and when our network admin used to find it, the penalty was no internet. In that case what we used to do is, we share the internet from allowed system to disallowed system.

The idea was simple, we used free software call CCProxy, using it we share internet from one system to another which is connected to internet. Server logs the I.P. of middle computer and not the banned computer. This was also useful when you have to hide your identity, as you can install CCPROXY on other system in your network and use it to access internet. (Preferably on a computer in a college lab and connected with same network). The free version of CCProxy allows 3 connection but it’s good enough for your usage.

Ccproxy is internet sharing tool. Ccproxy lets you create proxy server on your system easily without much effort. The installation of Ccproxy and configuring is very easy. Download and install the ccproxy from the link given at the bottom and follow this tutorial to learn how to use it.

How to Configure CCproxy to share internet?

Download and install the software. Open this software, you will see a screen shown below:

CCproxy Main screen

CCproxy doesn’t need any configuration apart from, if you want to change the default port number. Once installed click on options and check the port settings , you can change the port numbers according to your wish. Share your I.P. and port number to your friend with whom you want to share internet over LAN.

By default the port number is 808o. Your friend need to configure his Internet proxy settings to connect to your system by putting up your IP and Port number. Another useful feature of this software is to convert HTTP connection into Socks4 or Socks5 connection. Specially, torrents and Socks proxy were blocked by default. But when we use Socks4 proxy settings in torrent client, it works. All you need to do is set up ccProxy and configure your torrent software socks settings to use ccProxy settings. The software is easy to configure and use. The free version allows 3 connection at one go and for unlimited time.

Download Ccproxy

Do let us know if you have tried any other software which let you share net with other people in your LAN?

Article by Harsh Agrawal

Harsh has written 159 articles.

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