

January 2013

How to Create Torrent File on Mac & Share it on Web

I know many of you who are creative types, wants your file to reach to millions. Most of people here, use torrents for downloading illegal files, pirated software’s and all, but one of the legit use of torrent technology is by creating your own torrent file and sharing it on Web. For example, if you are one of those who produce your own videos and share it on Youtube, you [...]

How to Select All Friends on Facebook For Page Invitation

Facebook pages are very useful for Bloggers, marketers and also for a normal user to connect to thousand of people from one place. Though, hard part is getting fans on your Facebook fan page. Facebook let you increase fans by many ways and one of the simplest way is by inviting your friends to join your fan page. The process is simple and I will explain it in detail later. Though [...]

How to Install Greasemonkey Script in Chrome Browser

Today, I was trying to find some new greasemonkey script for Chrome browser and when I was trying to install it, Chrome didn’t let me install the greasemonkey script. It showed the following error “Apps, Extensions and user scripts cannot be added from this Website.” To improve the security of Chrome browser and stop 3rd party Extension, Script installation this is new security feature added by Chrome team.You can read [...]