

July 2019

Searching Porn? How & Why One Should Delete Google Search History

Your Search pattern reveals a lot about you, and Google is already implementing encrypted search to safeguard your personal life. Though, this is on server level, but what if somebody have access to your laptop, smartphone, and he can quickly go through what you have searched in past few months. Google offers you an extensive platform to find out almost anything and at the same time could make you bluff you [...]

5 Facebook Privacy Settings You Must Now for Your Safety: 2023

With the amazing growth that Facebook has shown over the past few years, more and more information is being disseminated through the net and through other social networks. However, as oblivious as it sounds, many individuals have remained on Facebook for years, yet are still aloof to how unprotected their profile is. We will go through 5 Facebook Privacy Settings that every user should know how to utilize to their advantage. [...]